Once again, as we back up to the stove to warm our hineys, the Global Warming “end of the world is nigh” crowd are assuring us that the cold weather actually proves that the earth is getting hotter. The one thing these predictors of doom all seem to have in common is that they are all getting paid by governments to “study” the problem. Should they all find that there’s nothing to Global Warming but their own hot air, then their funding would dry up and they would all be out of a job. That’s about as likely to happen as politician being in favor of term limits.
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) said:
“It is very likely that human activities are causing global warming.
Probable temperature rise by the end of the century will be between 1.8C and 4C (3.2-7.2F).
Possible temperature rise by the end of the century ranges between 1.1C and 6.4C (2-11.5F).
Sea levels are likely to rise by 28-43cm.
Arctic summer sea ice is likely to disappear in second half of century.
It is very likely that parts of the world will see an increase in the number of heatwaves.
Climate change is likely to lead to increased intensity of tropical storms.”
The one thing that these statements have in common is the qualifiers. None are actually definite but instead various forms of might happen. When doomsday fails to materialize, they will be able to say that they never said these things were going to happen for sure.
By then, it may be too late to reverse some of the actions put in place by the “Save the earth at any cost” activists and their supporters in government.
The European Union and UK governments have long been ahead of the United States when it comes to creative taxation. They discovered some years ago that the Global Warming fraud offered unlimited opportunities to soak the taxpayers under the guise of saving the planet. In these socialist countries, more and more revenue is needed to fund their projects and vote buying schemes. People have to keep warm in the winter and what better way to squeeze more money out of them than to demand money for burning heating fuel, be it gas, oil, coal or wood?
Our politicians have caught on to this and have plans to initiate a “cap and trade” scheme designed to rake in billions from industries that generate carbon dioxide. To do this, they must first declare that CO2 is a pollutant, even though it is also a byproduct of respiration. All living creatures breathe in oxygen and exhale the “polluting” gas. All plants absorb CO2 and give off oxygen. That’s how life works on earth.
You might ask, “What kind of stupidity is this? Who could possibly believe that CO2 is a pollutant?” Well, look at who voted in the liberals. They’re pushing this idiocy.
We also have the news media behind Global Warming as well. Just yesterday, the (AP) Associated Press released this:
"When Bill Clinton took office in 1993, global warming was a slow-moving environmental problem that was easy to ignore. Now it is a ticking time bomb that President-elect Barack Obama can't avoid. Since Clinton's inauguration, summer Arctic sea ice has lost the equivalent of Alaska, California and Texas. The 10 hottest years on record have occurred since Clinton's second inauguration. Global warming is accelerating. Time is close to running out, and Obama knows it. . . .
Mother Nature, of course, is oblivious to the federal government's machinations. Ironically, 2008 is on pace to be a slightly cooler year in a steadily rising temperature trend line. Experts say it's thanks to a La Nina weather variation. While skeptics are already using it as evidence of some kind of cooling trend, it actually illustrates how fast the world is warming.”
This isn’t really news, it’s opinion. As I read it the other night, I glanced at the outside thermometer on the wall. It read 23° F. The story they are pushing is that if it’s hot, it’s Global Warming. If it’s cold, that’s proof that it’s Global Warming. The science has decided and anyone who disagrees probably thinks the earth is flat. I’m not buying any of it. We’re being played for fools. It’s time we wake up and do something about it.