Friday, July 30, 2010

Moving Along

Over the past three years, I’ve written a weekly column for The Lindsay Letter, a small weekly newspaper in Lindsay, Texas. For the most part, it’s been an enjoyable experience and an opportunity to get to know a number of good people who read my column. In a way, it reminded me of being in school again. Each column was an assignment—with a deadline. Fortunately, when I couldn’t think of a subject to write about, I could often rely on my brother Phillip to write something in my place.

Clay and Kelly Corbett have sold The Letter to Scott Wood, owner of the Whitesboro News Record and the Muenster Enterprise. I’ve been thinking of giving up the column for some time and since I haven’t been contacted about staying on, the last column was my last at the paper. That doesn’t mean that I’ve given up writing. I've been at it a long time and seem to be addicted to offering my opinion irregardless of whether it's wanted or not.

Before I started the column, I wrote what is now called a “blog” under a pseudonym for several years. I intend to go back to writing a blog on an irregular basis, but under my own name. If you’re interested in reading what will essentially be the same column, bookmark (Control-D) this URL: I can’t promise a weekly schedule, but I’ll make an effort to do the best I can. It seems like longer I stay retired, the more things I have to do.